Monday, June 20, 2011

Multiple Categories of Victory


One of my thoughts for the past few months has been finding a way to quantify "victory" in my life in a fair and balanced way.

First, a few statements upon which I'll base my thoughts: We all know balance in our lives will be achieved. We all know what it's like to be unbalanced. Balance has much to do with allocation of time and energy. Time, and to a lesser extend, energy are "zero sum" items meaning that you only have so much of each. Though you can produce a bit more energy, you cannot produce more time.

Some examples:
You can spend all your time making money and lose connection with your family.
You can spend all your time with your family and go bankrupt.
You can work in your business as an employee without forming strategy for the future.
You can work on the future alone without getting any work done in the present.
You can read a book or watch a movie, not both.
You can workout or nap on the sofa, but not both.

How do you categorize victory in this "zero sum game" of life? My trial for the week is to track victory in several key areas of my life this week and see how I'm doing. I'll track family time, kids time, spouse time, physical fitness, work on the Fun Park, work on the farm, work on the farm market, franchise sales, franchise service and church.

How do you track it? I think I'll only track the positive "wins" in each category. If I workout in the morning, "Win!" If we get the blueberry bushes mulched under my supervision, "Win!" and so on.

I'm just starting, anyone else got some ideas?
Have a winning week.

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