Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sense and Adjust.

Life on the Farm

Sense and adjust.
You just never know what's coming on the farm. It's hot, it's dry, it's raining, fruit's early, Labor Day's late, apple pies are selling, strawberry is not - it can get overwhelming! Mom and Dad have always taught me to "sense and adjust".

Be decisive. I just love working with our team. We had inventory to take, order, new merchandising and displays to fix speed-of-service issues from the weekend, and lots more. We all stood around, brought our viewpoints, had a heated discussion, but came to a resolution looking at the facts within 20 minutes. Sensed and adjusted. Decision made.

Somebody is good at it. Even on our little team of people, somebody is good at "it", whatever it is. Dad and I, though often after long debates, end up a pretty good team. I'm a super-delegator; he's an analytical.

Matt is Mr. Relationship-builder. Linda can't sleep if the registers are off by $5.00 at the end of the day. Laura, well, I haven't found anything she can't do. (You'll likely see her in the market, making fudge, making doughnuts, stocking, inventory-ing - you get the picture). Frank fixes everything we break, my maze masters know the corn maze pathways cold.

Everyone has his or her place. Whatever the problem, somebody is good at fixing it. It's the balance that makes this very complex farm and entertainment business go 'round.

How about your balance? Have you ever though about your own balance? You are probably REALLY busy this time of year, but balance is the key to making your life go 'round, too.

Carve out some special time, away from all the busy-ness of this season and make some memories. Escape with your family and let our family do all the work for you; let us take care of you for the day.

Sense and adjust. If you're not sensing that your family is enjoying the passing time, but instead is just plowing joylessly through to 'get things done', adjust. Call a 'time out' and carve out some family time this weekend.

The fall weather's going to be great.

Talk to you next week,
Farmer Hugh

PS Pumpkin picking in the Pumpkin Patch every weekend. See the GIANT Pumpkin Express wagon here.

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