Friday, February 25, 2011

The Maze Master's Social Media Goals

Hugh, The Maze Master
Hugh's Reviews
Each week Hugh reviews something, anything really, that has provoked a thoughtful insight.
Maize Quest Fun Park Twitter:

Hugh's Twitter:

Hugh's personal Facebook: themazemaster
Maize Quest Fun Park Facebook: maizequestfunpark

Hugh's Agritourism & Corn Maze Industry Blog:

Get connected:
You may not rely on me for anything more than an email each week to boost your spirits (I hope!), but I've got some goals for the year involving social media connectedness for farmers.
1. Connect my farm every way possible to my customers: This is going to take time, but I'm going to do it. I've had great inspiration from speakers and new friends (shout out to Keith Padin), so, it's going to happen.
2. Create a community for Agritourism by being accessible to you, however you want to connect: Social media is easy, however you do it, so I'm going to make information such as the stuff you receive in this email available to you.
3. Reach out for help. All this sounds great, right? I need your help and we'll figure this out together. Use the links above to connect to me an my business(es) in which ever way you like or want to work on together.
4. Make it easy. You know, if we're all creating good content and we're all connected, we can repost, link, and retweet sometimes instead of having to do it alone!
5. Have fun. I love conference season because I get to hang out with my peeps; weird people like me. My goal is to keep it going throughout the year. You in? Choose and connect.

Have fun,

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