Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In support of dictators....sometimes.


Dictatorship has its benefits.

You are the boss. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but you are the boss. We are small business people, sometimes specifically because, we get to be the boss and there is no denying that dictatorship has it's privileges and benefits.  A benevolent dictator distills informations, creates a unified vision, and makes clear choices. We get to do our thing. Lead! That's why I am in support of dictators... sometimes.

On the committee. Many of you, like me, serve on committees, boards, groups, and panels. Inevitably you have faced the situation of that group taking FOREVER to make a decision. You know full well what the best decision is and that it will eventually be made, but you had to wait for the group to come around. You had to wait for the troublesome member of the committee to become convinced. Ah, dictatorship - you'd have made the call and moved on.

In the system. You probably have ways of doing things on your farm, in your market, in you life that are the ways things have always been done. In a positive sense, you need systems to make things flow, but if you stop to evaluate the system, it's horribly out of date.

Once in a heavy manufacturing plant, a new manager arrived from outside the company. He set about reviewing the forms and paperwork the floor supervisors were filling out. He came across Form 41. When he asked what Form 41 was used for, no one knew. They said we just fill it out and file it. He got curious and searched the aged file cabinets and discovered it was used to record materials used in the process - to meet World War II conservation guidelines.

Changing systems is the immediate purogative of the dictator, to overrule the status quo, to ask "why" in the face of existing bureaucracy. To make the call. To change. In a recent presentation to owners, I mentioned that one's hiring system can be completely upended, dramatically changed for the better, immediately. Last year, I unilaterally made the change 15 minutes before the first interview.

After some scoffs and disbelief, I reminded them that they are in charge! In there business, they operate in a world that is nearly completely under their control. That control allows rapid change for good by the benevolent dictator. If you don't like it or the results do not suit you, change the system - immediately!

Keeper of the vision. Once you decide upon the organization's vision, the dictator must be the final keeper of the vision; must exercise direct control over the delivery of that vision with full veto power. When there is doubt, the leader must rule.

"With great power comes great responsibility." - Spiderman's Uncle Ben Parker.

Benevolent dictatorship comes at a terrible price. It comes with ultimate responsibility and accountability. If the vision rests in your hands, it is yours to safeguard tirelessly. If your people aren't delivering, it's your fault. If you make a wrong call, there's no one to blame. Dictators are being held responsible around the world for any and all actions taken under their purvey.

Watch your back. A benevolent dictator better have some people in advisory positions to watch their back. You need people to keep you and your little dictatorship in line. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely," so before you go lording over your subjects, it's good to keep current events in mind.

Dictators are being overthrown with greater frequency because free-flowing information allows injustice to be discovered, disseminated, and destroyed. Remaining benevolent is paramount to remaining dictator.

Choosing the best of dictatorship. Let's be serious. You are ultimately responsible and accountable for everything in your business. I know I am in mine. Choosing the best parts of dictatorship AND the best parts of teamwork and inclusion is a mandate. You cannot 'rule' your business with an iron fist because your employees, staff, sometimes family, will simply revolt and leave you holding the bag.

What you can do is realize your rule is the ultimate responsibility to care for, tend to, your business, your business culture, your staff, your clients with benevolence as your guiding principle.

Self-sacrifice is the most powerful leadership characteristic and if your kingdom knows you will sacrifice for them, you will be able to lead effectively and efficiently.

Self-sacrificing dictators are never overthrown. In fact, they are just called "leaders".

Have a great week.





Find Hugh at:

Twitter: @themazemaster

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