Saturday, April 3, 2010

Finish Strong

It can be tough to finish strong.
My kids will routinely have a great day, good behavior, make their own fun, but at the end of the day it will all fall apart. Squabbles and bickering ensue and I often find myself saying, "Let's not ruin a great day by ending it poorly."

I should listen to me. It's raining today, and predicted to rain for a good part of this weekend, and I find myself bemoaning that fact, complaining, and  whining.

I hate whining and I'm about to ruin what has been a great run of good weather, happy guests, and pleased group leaders. I want to finish this season strong, so here are some tips I'm using to help me stay focused and  positive.

Hugh's Top Five "Finish Strong" Tips.

1. Ignore the weather.
Weather is uncontrollable and should be expected to be so. We ALWAYS have at least one rain out, while it is inconvenient, it is to be expected.

2. Be thankful. We've had a great run and every guest through the door is to be appreciated and well cared for. Once the rain stops, the guests will return for more fun.

3. Continue working. I can continue working, because I have school Spirit Nights to prepare for, new ads to write, and a few PR ideas to pitch. It's never too late to be marketing. We also have indoor attractions to fix, clean, and office work that has been put off. There's plenty to do!

4. Take a break. I really needed a break too, mentally and physically, so now that it's raining, I'm taking one. Your people need a break too. Don't make busy work for them, send them home! They will appreciate the time off and come back refreshed.

One of my favorite luxuries is to eat at regular times. Mealtime is off-schedule, and occationally not an option, when guests are in the park. Regular mealtimes with good healthly food are a real treat!

5. Plan your reward. We all bust our collective humps during the season in ways most people will never understand and it is draining! Give yourself something to work for. My wife and I are taking our top managers to Las Vegas for the IAAPA show. (Anyone else going? We'd love to see you.)

Set your reward even if it's just taking some time off. It will make those long remaining days seem shorter.

Got a rainy day? Plan how you will finish strong this season. It's important for you to keep yourself calm, collected, healthy, focused and under control.

As the leader of your organization, you set the tone for your employees AND guests. The guests who are about to visit your farm deserve the best "you" you can give them.

Have a great week. - Hugh

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