Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Rubies in the Orchard."

Hugh, The Maze Master
Hugh's Reviews
Each week Hugh reviews something, anything really, that has provoked a thoughtful insight.

Rubies in the Orchard: How to Uncover the Hidden Gems in Your Business

Lynda Resnick proposes a shockingly simple idea in her book "Rubies in the Orchard." If you have a quality product, focus inward on that product to find the value propositions you need to be successful.

She and her husband Stewart are the people behind Pom Wonderful, 100% pure pomegranate juice.

The pomegranates, her "Rubies", they happened upon by accident when they bought orchards in the Central Valley of California.

Non-farm disclaimer: I should say that they are not farm people, but came to own the farm as an investment. This does not, however, taint the inspirational nature of the story.

Once they figured out how to extract the juice, they had a big fancy marketing team come in and tell them that they needed to use the juice as an additive with other filler juices to get the price point low enough to compete on the grocery store shelf.

Ms. Resnick was the single voice of dissent. She looked deeper in to the product, to its special, unique taste and powerful antioxidant characteristics. She looked inside the product for the value proposition.

Against the will of the marketing team, they decided to market 100% pure POM at a premium price. Did it work? They now grow 18,000 acres of pomegranates. You decide.

The Resnicks didn't look outside the box. Outside of the pomagranate would have brought cheap filler juices diluting the value of the POM juice flavor and health benefits. They distinctly looked inside the pomagranate. The pomegranate had been making juicy fuit for 4,000+ years, the Resnicks just released it. The answer was already in their "box".

They did have to invent the extraction techniques, create unique packaging, and fight for shelf space with Coca-Cola and other beverage behemoths.

They so strongly believed in their "Rubies in the Orchard" that when they hit a roadblock, they looked  deeply into their quality product and found more value. They never added ANYTHING to the juice.

What "Rubies" do you have hiding in the orchard? In the patch? On the wagon? Can you look more deeply at what you already have and find more value?

On my last site visit to a new client, we threw everything they had into a "box" and created some new package and pricing plans that I predict will, without any increase in attendance, yield them more than $15,000.

That's a lot of "Rubies" in their orchard. That's how we work with our clients. We found them by looking deeper into their operation for value, providing the opportunity for change, and giving them the confidence to move forward.

If you'd like to work with us too, call Hugh anytime at:
1-866-935-6738 ext 102

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