Saturday, April 3, 2010

"Sideways Energy."

Hugh, The Maze Master
Hugh's Reviews
Each week Hugh reviews something, anything really, that has provoked a thoughtful insight.

"Sideways Energy."
There are so many good ideas. We are an idea generating factory and I can tell you there are so many good ideas.

Going to conferences is a vacation for me, because there are so many good ideas.

I bet you have so many good ideas.

Check your mantra. I just spent a whole post on developing your mantra versus your mission statement, because your mantra acts as a powerful filter.

You must filter through so many good ideas to stay focused on your true and driving purpose. If you don't, you will find that many good ideas generate "Sideways Energy".

Andy Stanley of Buckhead Church in Atlanta coined this term in one of his leadership podcasts. He says that "sideways energy" feels good, it's energy! But, it is drawing focus away from your true goals and purpose.

Chasing good ideas.
I don't know about you, but I have generated some incredible "Sideways Energy" in my day!

We have tried so many things from marketing to attractions to training to tools to motivation exercises to crops that, in hindsight, were only generating "sideways energy".

Brutal honesty.
The only way to make sure you will not be generating sideways energy on a new project or with a new purchase or with a new tool is to apply brutal honesty.

Tell yourself the truth. "Is what I am about to do, purchase, apply, build, say, or try truly going to contribute to my purpose as defined in my mantra and in my written goals?"

Sideways energy doesn't always come from new projects.
Are you in the middle of a project, do you currently grow  crop, are you in a line of business, is your current relationship truly contributing to your goals for your life or business?

Two years ago I realized that my Wireless Internet Service Provider business was generating a lot of sideways energy.

It was detracting from my ability to serve my guests, my corn maze franchise clients, and our game and attraction business.

Though I built it with my blood, sweat and tears from the ground up, I sold it.

I quickly found that there is nothing so freeing as singularity of purpose. If you're my maze client now, I'm all yours.

Where are you generating "sideways energy" in your life?


Call Hugh anytime at:
1-866-935-6738 ext 102

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