Saturday, April 3, 2010

"The Whole Mind"

Hugh, The Maze Master
Hugh's Reviews
Each week Hugh reviews something, anything really, that has provoked a thoughtful insight.

In his latest book "The Whole Mind" Daniel Pink proposes that in an age of outsourcing, creative people, or "right-brainers", will become increasingly important as sources of "value creation".

The book is an interesting look at our world in which we outsource an ever-increasing number of jobs overseas.

Even white-collar jobs, such as computer programming, financial analysis, etc. are being sent overseas as it gets easier to communicate via the Internet.

It is, as all as farmers have seen in agricultural markets, a commoditization of not just products, but white-collar service work. (Just to be clear I mean a commodity in the pure sense of the word– Corn is Corn. It's completely transferrable, interchangable, and identical to everybody else's corn.)

One of the reasons we attend conferences and look around for new ideas for our entertainment operations is so we can avoid the commoditization of our entertainment businesses.

Our Fun Park guests are always asking what we've done new for them this year. Sometimes I feel like saying, "You don't remember how to solve the Bamboo Maze, so it's practically new to you!" But, that's not a very good, long-term customer service strategy.

The point from "The Whole Mind" that struck me is the importance of "right-brained" innovation in agritourism. Don't let your entertainment attractions become commodities. Even when "borrowing" ideas from other operations, don't settle for doing the same exact thing.

Innovate! Be Creative! The public, upon sensing a commodity, will immediately start bargaining on price, and price alone. Mr. Pink infers that our guests will view their entertainment experience as readily transferrable to anyone else's farm, and leave you in a heartbeat for less than a dollar.

What are you doing to make sure that you aren't a commodity? In this economy, shopping for the cheapest identical option is very popular.

This season, make sure your business isn't a commodity, but a one-of-a-kind, high-value experience that can't be easily replicated or transferred. Use your "right-brain" creativity to make something truly special for you guests.

If you need help, hire our brain-power as your own.

Call Hugh anytime at:
1-866-935-6738 ext 102

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